Colombia La Orquidea Organic Green Coffee Beans

Colombia La Orquidea Organic Green Coffee Beans

from $31.90

Silipo Coffee only sources the best possible green beans. We pride ourselves on working with farms around the world which supply outstanding beans whilst maintaining ethical and sustainable farming methods.

Colombia has been producing and exporting coffees renowned for their full body and bright acidity since the early 19th century. Thanks to its wide range of coffee growing regions, microclimates, and altitudes, Colombia can meet demand for coffee throughout the whole year.

See below for a detailed overview of our Colombia La Orquidea Organic Green Coffee Beans.

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Farm Details

  • Region: Central Huila.

  • Producer: Andes Mountain Farmers.

  • Varietals: Castillo, Caturra,

  • Type of Beans: Arabica.

  • Processing: Washed.

Cupping/Tasting Notes 

Milk chocolate, mixed stone fruit, heavy body, juicy acidity.


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